Universita per Stranieri “Dante Alighieri”
Ivanovo State University
Ivanovo Centre for Gender Studies
Russian Association for Researchers of Women’s History
International Summer School
“Belonging, Gender and Religion in Multicultural Societies”
08-26 July
Reggio Calabria, Italy
Университет для иностранцев «Данте Алигьери»
Ивановский государственный университет
Ивановский центр гендерных исследований
Российская ассоциация исследователей женской истории
Международная летняя школа
"Гендер и религия в мультикультурных обществах: вызовы современности"
08-26 июля
Редджио Калабрия, Италия
Week One
date: 8 July |
Morning Session |
time: 8.00 – 8.30 Registration |
8.30-9.00 Opening ceremony |
9.00 – 10.30 – Italian language classes |
Break |
10.30-11.00 |
10.00 – 12.30 – Italian language classes |
17.30 -18.30 – sightseeing excursion in Reggio |
19.30- 21.30 – opening dinner (La Luna Rebella) |
date: 9 July |
Morning Session |
time: 9.00 – 10.30 Italian language classes |
Break |
10.30-11.00 |
Morning Session |
time: 11.00 – 12.30 Italian language classes |
date: 10 July |
Morning Session |
time: 9.00 – 10.30 Italian language classes |
Break |
10.30-11.00 |
Morning Session |
time: 11.00 – 12.30 Italian language classes |
date: 11 July |
Morning Session |
time: 9.00 – 10.30 Italian language classes |
Break |
10.30-11.00 |
Morning Session |
time: 11.00 – 12.30 Italian language classes |
date: 12 July |
Morning Session |
time: 9.00 – 10.30 Italian language classes |
Break |
10.30-11.00 |
Morning Session |
time: 11.00 – 12.30 Italian language classes |
WEEKEND July, 13-14 |
Excursions (to be chosen by the participants) |
July, 15 Lector – Prof. Elena Zdravomyslova |
Morning Session |
09.00-10.30 |
Topic: Origins of gender studies in the context of development of the feminist movement and feminist thought. Critical feminist epistemology and its methodological aftermaths. |
Tasks: To get acquainted with the basic concepts of the feminist epistemology and intersectionality. |
Format: lecture and discussion |
Assignments “Gender studies, feminism and agenda of public sociology” - to discuss the issue, to give examples.
Break |
10.30-11.00 |
Morning Session |
11.00-12.30 |
Topic: Basic concepts of sociology of gender relations: gender system, gender order, gender regime, gender contract. Class, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, race –interrelation and intersection of concepts. |
Format – lecture and discussion |
Assignments: To get acquainted with the basic concepts, trace their origins, reinforce skills of gender relation analysis with the help of these concepts. |
Lunch |
12.30-13.30 |
Day Session |
13.30-15.00 |
Topic: Basic concepts and categories of gender theory. |
Format: seminar |
Assignments: On the basis of text and video clip analysis to reveal basic gender categories and their content. |
July, 16 Lector – Prof. Elena Zdravomyslova |
Morning Session |
09.00-10.30 |
Topic: Gender and Power in Soviet Russia. The role of ideology as the substitute of religion in the process of creation of normative gender. New gender hegemony. Gender, nation, state. How it was on different stages of the development of Russian society. Soviet model of patriarchate and its aftermaths.
Objectives: To gain knowledge about different stages of Russian gender order. To analyze the role of communist struggle with the church in the process of formation of Soviet gender. To decode the concept of intersectionality applying it to the analysis of Russian gender order.
Format: lecture and discussion |
Assignments: .discussion of the topic “Gender mobilization, soviet type of emancipation and its aftermaths. To give examples.
Break |
10.30-11.00 |
Morning Session |
Topic: Politicization of gender and genderization of political in contemporary Russia. Struggle for hegemony. Conservative trend in the revival of devoutness. Discussion on sexual education, reproductive rights and gender equality. The case of Pussy Riot and conservative mobilization. Feminist response.
Format – lecture and discussion |
Objective: To familiarize the participants with the main trends of contemporary gender politics. To find out the relationships between state and church in revival of conservative traditional gender order. |
Assignments: |
Lunch |
12.30-13.30 |
Day Session |
13.30-15.00 |
Topic: State and religion in Russia.
Format: seminar |
Assignments: On the basis of several cases to analyze evolution of devoutness in Russia. |
July, 17 Lector – Prof. Elena Zdravomyslova |
Morning Session |
09.00-10.30 |
Topic: Atheism and Sexual Revolution in Early 1920-s.Public discussions of sexuality Repressed Stalin Generation. |
Objectives: To familiarize with the stages of sexual revolution in Russia
Format: lecture and discussion |
Assignments: To discuss and analyze the text given by the lecturer beforehand. A. Kollontai on the sex issue.
Break |
10.30-11.00 |
Morning Session |
Topic: Modern trends and problematization of sexual freedom in contemporary Russia.
Format – lecture and discussion |
Objective: To familiarize with the stages of sexual revolution in Russia
Assignments: To discuss and analyze the text by A. Kollontai given by the lecturer beforehand. |
Lunch |
12.30-13.30 |
Day Session |
13.30-15.00 |
Topic: Seminar on case analysis.
Format: Discussion of a feature film “What If It Is Love?” |
date:18 July Lecturer – Prof. Teresa Toldy |
Morning Session |
time: 9.00 – 10.30 |
topic(s): Is the discussion on feminisms inside religions important? |
instructor(s) Prof. Toldy T. |
format: Lecture |
Objective: during this session participants will contact with the main topics of feminism inside religions, and with the topic of feminist hermeneutics in religion. |
assignments: the students shall prepare questions to put to the instructor after the break (last 15 minutes of the session) |
Break |
10.30 -11.00 |
Morning Session |
11.00 – 12. 30 |
Topic: Feedback on the lecture’s topic |
Format: Free discussion of the topic explored in the first session |
Objective: During the session participants will have the opportunity to put questions and to debate with the instructor and with each other the topic presented in the first part of the session. |
Lunch |
Time: 12.30-13.30 |
Afternoon Session |
13.30-15.00 |
Topic: Readings on the topic of feminisms and religion |
Format: Seminar |
assignments: the students will present short comments on the text of Toldy sent by the instructor to prepare the summer school |
date:19 July Lecturer – Prof. Teresa Toldy |
Morning Session |
time: 9.00 – 10.30 |
topic(s): Christian feminist theologies (Catholic and Protestant) |
instructor(s) Prof. Toldy T. |
format: Lecture |
Objective: during this session participants will contact with the main topics of Catholic and Protestant feminist theologies |
assignments: the students shall prepare questions to put to the instructor after the break (last 15 minutes of the session) |
Break |
10.30 -11.00 |
Morning Session |
11.00 – 12. 30 |
Topic: Discussion of the topic explored in the first session of the day |
Format: Free discussion of the topic explored in the first part of the session |
Objective: During the session participants will have the opportunity to put questions and to debate with the instructor and with each other the topic presented in the first part of the session. |
Lunch |
Time: 12.30-13.30 |
Afternoon Session |
13.30-15.00 |
Topic: Readings on the topic of Christian feminist theology |
Format: Seminar |
assignments: the students will present short comments on the texts of Fiorenza sent by the instructor to prepare the summer school |
WEEKEND July, 20-21 |
Excursions (to be chosen by the participants) |
date:22 July Lecturer Teresa Toldy |
Morning Session |
time: 9.00 – 10.30 |
topic(s): Islamic feminisms |
instructor(s) Prof. Toldy T. |
format: Lecture |
Objective: during this session participants will contact with the main topics of Muslim feminisms |
assignments: the students shall prepare questions to put to the instructor after the break (last 15 minutes of the session) |
Break |
10.30 -11.00 |
Morning Session |
11.00 – 12. 30 |
Topic: Discussion of the topic explored in the first session of the day |
Format: Free discussion of the topic explored in the first part of the session |
Objective: During the session participants will have the opportunity to put questions and to debate with the instructor and with each other the topic presented in the first part of the session. |
Lunch |
Time: 12.30-13.30 |
Afternoon session |
13.30-15.00 |
Topic: Readings on the topic of Islamic feminisms: |
Format: seminar |
assignments: the students will present short comments on the texts of Barlas and Wadud sent by the instructor to prepare the summer school |
date: 23 July Lecturer Dr. Chia Longman |
Morning Session |
time: 9.00 – 10.30 |
topic(s): Introduction to the course module |
instructor(s) Dr. Ch. Longman |
format: lecture introducing the module and self-presentations by participants through the ‘identity circle’ method |
Objective: during this session participants will familiarize themselves with the module and introduce themselves
Break |
10.30 -11.00 |
Morning Session |
11.00 – 12. 30 |
Topic: Intersectionality in the study of gender |
Format: text and group discussion |
Objective: participants will learn about the application of intersectional analysis in multicultural societies
Assignments: Readings and prepare questions: · McIntosh: White privilege o In what way does this model of privilege apply to your society and personal identity? · Intersectionality o In what way can intersectional analysis be applied to your own society and field of research? |
Lunch |
Time: 12.30-13.30 |
Day Session |
13.30-15.00 |
Topic: Positionality in the study of religion and gender: |
format : lecture, text & group discussion
Objective: participants will learn about the importance of the identity and positionality of the researcher in gender & religion research |
assignments: Read and prepare questions:
date: 24 July Dr. Chia Longman |
Morning Session |
time: 9.00 – 10.30 |
topic(s): gender-critical research of religion |
instructor(s) Dr. Ch. Longman |
format: lecture and discussion |
Objective: participants will gain an understanding of the diversity and challenges in gender-critical research of religion
assignments: Read:
Break |
10.30 -11.00 |
Morning Session |
11.00 – 12. 30 |
Topic: Women in minority religions: Judaism |
Format: lecture with visual and video material |
Objective: participants will gain understanding into gender identity and relations in a multicultural context through a presentation of a research case study in Judaism |
Lunch |
Time: 12.30-13.30 |
Day Session |
13.30-15.00 |
Topic: continuation previous session |
Format: Lecture, questions and discussion |
assignments: Read:
date: 25 July Lecturer Dr. Chia Longman |
Morning Session |
time: 9.00 – 10.30 |
topic(s): agency and oppression |
instructor(s) Dr. Ch. Longman |
format: Lecture & discussion texts |
Objective: during this session participants will learn about theoretical frameworks in analyzing religion as oppressive to women in multicultural societies
assignments: Read:
Break |
Time: 10.30 -11.00 |
Morning Session |
11.00 – 12. 30
topic(s): agency and oppression |
format: Lecture & discussion texts |
Objective: during this session participants will learn about theoretical frameworks in analyzing religion as empowering to women
assignments: Read & prepare questions
Lunch |
Time: 12.30-13.30 |
Day Session |
13.30-15.00 |
Topic: Conclusions & presentations |
format (lecture, discussion, other): individual presentations and group discussion; final evaluation |
assignments: Prepare a short presentation based on all the readings for the module, relating the texts to your own research or perspective on the relationship between gender, religion and multiculturalism |
date:15 July Lecturer Prof. Teresa Toldy |
Morning Session |
time: 9.00 – 10.30 |
topic(s): Is the discussion on feminisms inside religions important? |
instructor(s) Prof. Toldy T. |
format: Lecture |
Objective: during this session participants will contact with the main topics of feminism inside religions, and with the topic of feminist hermeneutics in religion. |
assignments: the students shall prepare questions to put to the instructor after the break (last 15 minutes of the session) |
Break |
10.30 -11.00 |
Morning Session |
11.00 – 12. 30 |
Topic: Feedback on the lecture’s topic |
Format: Free discussion of the topic explored in the first session |
Objective: During the session participants will have the opportunity to put questions and to debate with the instructor and with each other the topic presented in the first part of the session. |
Lunch |
Time: 12.30-13.30 |
Afternoon Session |
13.30-15.00 |
Topic: Readings on the topic of feminisms and religion |
Format: Seminar |
assignments: the students will present short comments on the text of Toldy sent by the instructor to prepare the summer school |
date:16 July Lecturer Prof. Teresa Toldy |
Morning Session |
time: 9.00 – 10.30 |
topic(s): Christian feminist theologies (Catholic and Protestant) |
instructor(s) Prof. Toldy T. |
format: Lecture |
Objective: during this session participants will contact with the main topics of Catholic and Protestant feminist theologies |
assignments: the students shall prepare questions to put to the instructor after the break (last 15 minutes of the session) |
Break |
10.30 -11.00 |
Morning Session |
11.00 – 12. 30 |
Topic: Discussion of the topic explored in the first session of the day |
Format: Free discussion of the topic explored in the first part of the session |
Objective: During the session participants will have the opportunity to put questions and to debate with the instructor and with each other the topic presented in the first part of the session. |
Lunch |
Time: 12.30-13.30 |
Afternoon Session |
13.30-15.00 |
Topic: Readings on the topic of Christian feminist theology |
Format: Seminar |
assignments: the students will present short comments on the texts of Fiorenza sent by the instructor to prepare the summer school |
date:17 July Lecturer - Prof. Teresa Toldy |
Morning Session |
time: 9.00 – 10.30 |
topic(s): Islamic feminisms |
instructor(s) Prof. Toldy T. |
format: Lecture |
Objective: during this session participants will contact with the main topics of Muslim feminisms |
assignments: the students shall prepare questions to put to the instructor after the break (last 15 minutes of the session) |
Break |
10.30 -11.00 |
Morning Session |
11.00 – 12. 30 |
Topic: Discussion of the topic explored in the first session of the day |
Format: Free discussion of the topic explored in the first part of the session |
Objective: During the session participants will have the opportunity to put questions and to debate with the instructor and with each other the topic presented in the first part of the session. |
Lunch |
Time: 12.30-13.30 |
Afternoon session |
13.30-15.00 |
Topic: Readings on the topic of Islamic feminisms: |
Format: seminar |
assignments: the students will present short comments on the texts of Barlas and Wadud sent by the instructor to prepare the summer school |
date: 18 July Lecturer Dr. Chia Longman |
Morning Session |
time: 9.00 – 10.30 |
topic(s): Introduction to the course module |
instructor(s) Dr. Ch. Longman |
format: lecture introducing the module and self-presentations by participants through the ‘identity circle’ method |
Objective: during this session participants will familiarize themselves with the module and introduce themselves
Break |
10.30 -11.00 |
Morning Session |
11.00 – 12. 30 |
Topic: Intersectionality in the study of gender |
Format: text and group discussion |
Objective: participants will learn about the application of intersectional analysis in multicultural societies
Assignments: Readings and prepare questions: · McIntosh: White privilege o In what way does this model of privilege apply to your society and personal identity? · Intersectionality o In what way can intersectional analysis be applied to your own society and field of research? |
Lunch |
Time: 12.30-13.30 |
Day Session |
13.30-15.00 |
Topic: Positionality in the study of religion and gender: |
format : lecture, text & group discussion
Objective: participants will learn about the importance of the identity and positionality of the researcher in gender & religion research |
assignments: Read and prepare questions:
date: 19 July Dr. Chia Longman |
Morning Session |
time: 9.00 – 10.30 |
topic(s): gender-critical research of religion |
instructor(s) Dr. Ch. Longman |
format: lecture and discussion |
Objective: participants will gain an understanding of the diversity and challenges in gender-critical research of religion
assignments: Read:
Break |
10.30 -11.00 |
Morning Session |
11.00 – 12. 30 |
Topic: Women in minority religions: Judaism |
Format: lecture with visual and video material |
Objective: participants will gain understanding into gender identity and relations in a multicultural context through a presentation of a research case study in Judaism |
Lunch |
Time: 12.30-13.30 |
Day Session |
13.30-15.00 |
Topic: continuation previous session |
Format: Lecture, questions and discussion |
assignments: Read:
WEEKEND July, 20-21 |
Excursions (to be chosen by the participants) |
date: 22 July Lecturer Dr. Chia Longman |
Morning Session |
time: 9.00 – 10.30 |
topic(s): agency and oppression |
instructor(s) Dr. Ch. Longman |
format: Lecture & discussion texts |
Objective: during this session participants will learn about theoretical frameworks in analyzing religion as oppressive to women in multicultural societies
assignments: Read:
Break |
Time: 10.30 -11.00 |
Morning Session |
11.00 – 12. 30
topic(s): agency and oppression |
format: Lecture & discussion texts |
Objective: during this session participants will learn about theoretical frameworks in analyzing religion as empowering to women
assignments: Read & prepare questions
Lunch |
Time: 12.30-13.30 |
Day Session |
13.30-15.00 |
Topic: Conclusions & presentations |
format (lecture, discussion, other): individual presentations and group discussion; final evaluation |
assignments: Prepare a short presentation based on all the readings for the module, relating the texts to your own research or perspective on the relationship between gender, religion and multiculturalism |
July, 23 Lector – Prof. Elena Zdravomyslova |
Morning Session |
09.00-10.30 |
Topic: Origins of gender studies in the context of development of the feminist movement and feminist thought. Critical feminist epistemology and its methodological aftermaths. |
Tasks: To get acquainted with the basic concepts of the feminist epistemology and intersectionality. |
Format: lecture and discussion |
Assignments “Gender studies, feminism and agenda of public sociology” - to discuss the issue, to give examples.
Break |
10.30-11.00 |
Morning Session |
. 11.00-12.30 |
Topic: Basic concepts of sociology of gender relations: gender system, gender order, gender regime, gender contract. Class, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, race –interrelation and intersection of concepts. |
Format – lecture and discussion |
Assignments: To get acquainted with the basic concepts, trace their origins, reinforce skills of gender relation analysis with the help of these concepts. |
Lunch |
12.30-13.30 |
Day Session |
13.30-15.00 |
Topic: Basic concepts and categories of gender theory. |
Format: seminar |
Assignments: On the basis of text and video clip analysis to reveal basic gender categories and their content. |
July, 24 Lector – Prof. Elena Zdravomyslova |
Morning Session |
09.00-10.30 |
Topic: Gender and Power in Soviet Russia. The role of ideology as the substitute of religion in the process of creation of normative gender. New gender hegemony. Gender, nation, state. How it was in different stages of the development of Russian society. Soviet model of patriarchate and its aftermaths.
Objectives: To gain knowledge about different stages of Russian gender order. To analyze the role of communist struggle with the church in the process of formation of Soviet gender. To decode the concept of intersectionality applying it to the analysis of Russian gender order.
Format: lecture and discussion |
Assignments: .discussion of the topic “Gender mobilization, soviet type of emancipation and its aftermaths. To give examples.
Break |
10.30-11.00 |
Morning Session |
Topic: Politicization of gender and genderization of political in contemporary Russia. Struggle for hegemony. Conservative trend in the revival of devoutness. Discussion on sexual education, reproductive rights and gender equality. The case of Pussy Riot and conservative mobilization. Feminist response.
Format – lecture and discussion |
Objective: To familiarize the participants with the main trends of contemporary gender politics. To find out the relationships between state and church in revival of conservative traditional gender order. |
Assignments: |
Lunch |
12.30-13.30 |
Day Session |
13.30-15.00 |
Topic: State and religion in Russia.
Format: seminar |
Assignments: On the basis of several cases to analyze evolution of devoutness in Russia. |
July, 25 Lector – Prof. Elena Zdravomyslova |
Morning Session |
09.00-10.30 |
Topic: Atheism and Sexual Revolution in Early 1920-s.Public discussions of sexuality Repressed Stalin Generation. |
Objectives: To familiarize with the stages of sexual revolution in Russia
Format: lecture and discussion |
Assignments: To discuss and analyze the text given by the lecturer beforehand. A. Kollontai on the sex issue.
Break |
10.30-11.00 |
Morning Session |
Topic: Modern trends and problematisation of sexual freedom in contemporary Russia.
Format – lecture and discussion |
Objective: To familiarize with the stages of sexual revolution in Russia
Assignments: To discuss and analyze the text by A. Kollontai given by the lecturer beforehand. |
Lunch |
12.30-13.30 |
Day Session |
13.30-15.00 |
Topic: Seminar on case analysis.
Format: Discussion of a feature film “What If It Is Love?” |
date:26 July |
Morning Session |
time: 9.00 – 11.00 |
topic(s): "Belonging, Gender and Religion in multicultural societies" |
instructor(s) Prof. E. Zdravomyslova, Dr. Chia Longman |
format: round table |
Objective: to discuss gender aspects of religiosity in Europe and Russia |
assignments: Students should be ready to discuss the shifts in the problem of interconnection gender and religious factors in political, cultural and social life of their own countries during last decades, using the knowledge gained during the School.
Break |
11.00 -11.30 |
Morning Session |
11.30 – 13. 00 |
Topic: "Belonging, Gender and Religion in multicultural societies" |
Format: round table (continuation) |
Objective: to discuss gender aspects of religiosity in Europe and Russia |
Break |
Time: 13.00-13.15 |
13.15-14.00 Closing Ceremony |
20.00 Closing Dinner in La Luna Rebella (upon request) |